What is the difference between a Business Process Outsourcing Company (BPO Company) and a Call Center?
We often hear the words “BPO” and “Call Center” in today’s society, but up until now, many people tend to interchange the definition of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company and Call Center . Since most Call-Center agents usually claim that they are working for a BPO company rather than working for a Call Center. Basically this is politically correct, and can also be incorrect. In this article we will determine if Call Center and BPO has the same purpose, or is there a major difference between the two. Outsourcing Services come in various roles such as; Virtual Assistant, Lead Generator, Social Media Executive, etc. General Terms Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company is a firm which offshores operations and responsibilities to a t hird-party service contractor . BPO services can range from manufacturing products, providing back office workforce, or can be providing customer service support for companies. As mentioned, a BPO company processes different tasks regard...